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Central America, Cuba & the Dominican Republic (El Salvador)

UNITAR, through its Global Breastfeeding Education initiative and in close collaboration with the Government of the Republic of El Salvador, through the Office of the First Lady, today inaugurates the Regional Breastfeeding Forum “The Best Start for Life”, with 350 participants including delegations from Central America, Cuba and the Dominican Republic and experts from 13 countries. This forum took place in San Salvador 18-19 July 2024.


The project consisted of a two-part programme. Day 1: Regional Conference on Breastfeeding Education. Day 2: Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop titled “The Magic Drop: Supporting mothers along the journey in Central America, Cuba & Dominican Republic." This event took place on 19 July 2024 in San Salvador, El Salvador.


The training was hosted by the Government of El Salvador, UNITAR and in collaboration with its International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL) York to bring together 99 health care providers for the purpose of strengthening their skills and knowledge of breastfeeding practices, while providing them with tools to train expectant mothers and their partners. 

This ToT was aligned with SDGs 2 and 3, as promoting breastfeeding education includes ending hunger, improving nutrition, and promoting health and well-being. The ToT sought to equip participants with the necessary skills to:

  • Develop practical tools to support breastfeeding mothers at home, in health centres, in the workplace and in society.
  • Communicate the importance of breastfeeding to health professionals, mothers and caregivers/partners.
  • Support breastfeeding mothers at home, at the health centre, at work and in the community.

Experts and Trainers

Dr. Alberto Heart

Pediatrician Neonatologist, Panama City Clinic, Panama

Dr. Ali Asgary

Director CIFAL York and Professor, York University, Canada

Dr. Gabriel Vinderola

Associate Professor of Microbiology, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina

Lic. Beti Flores

Homebirth Midwife; Reproductive Health Specialist, Mexico

Dr. Juan Morales

Director of the Comprehensive Maternal Perinatal and Childhood Directorate, Ministry of Health, El Salvador

Mrs. Vicki Blackman

Midwife; Public Health Specialist, UNITAR

Ms. Claudia Juarez

Project Coordinator, UNITAR
Propose additional sources related to BF support

Propose additional sources related to breastfeeding support

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