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Webinars to provide comprehensive information and support to mothers

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Global Breastfeeding Education Initiative (BFEI) are hosting a Webinar Series on supporting breastfeeding in the community.  This 3-part series seeks to provide comprehensive information and support to mothers, healthcare professionals and anyone interested in learning more about breastfeeding practices and its benefits.

Webinars to provide comprehensive information and support to mothers
Striving to promote maternal and child health

Striving to promote maternal and child health

The series brings together international experts to discuss practical steps towards protecting the survival and health of babies and women.  Breastfeeding is a central part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG2 and SDG3 — which include ending hunger, improving nutrition, and promoting health and wellbeing). As we strive to promote maternal and child health and empower breastfeeding mothers, our webinar series covers the following topics: 

  1. Look & Latch: Responsive Feeding and Understanding Feeding Cues
  2. Beyond Milk: Breastfeeding and Mastitis
  3. Beyond the Basics: Breastfeeding and Vulnerable Groups